With albhosting, you’ll have access to a really streamlined website creation tool. It is really easy to get the knack of and it offers a user interface that is guaranteed to be immediately recognizable to anybody who has ever dealt with an admin panel. The website creation tool offers quite a lot of distinctive templates which you could modify with a click and set–up a site to your taste. And last but not least, every template is mobile–optimized, so your new website will look and feel amazing on mobile phones from the get go.

The website creation tool is an integral part of the albhosting Web Hosting Control Panel, present with all Linux cloud website hosting packages, Linux VPS packages, Linux semi-dedicated packages, and Linux dedicated servers hosting packages offers.

An intuitive website creation tool

No programming knowledge is necessary

The key advantage of the albhosting’s website creation tool is that it is really easy to get the hang of. It functions with layout blocks which you can add, edit and re–order as you want. If you want, you could embed photos and videos, launch a diary, or install a discussion board on your site, all with a mouse click.

You can accomplish all that and develop a cool website without having to type a single line of PHP or HTML, etc.

Easy-to-use Site Builder

An array of creative themes

Super cool website themes that look flawless on any type of device

With the website creation tool, you will gain access to a collection of free–of–charge templates for all types of sites such as personal pages, e–commerce stores, discussion boards, etc.

Every website template will come in several layout schemes and features lots of color combinations. Plus, you’ll gain access to a decent collection of pre–made photos and will have the opportunity to pick from more than 100 fonts for your website. Every theme is optimized for mobile devices. Should you choose to substitute a given website theme, you’ll be able to do that with a click. All of the pages and tweaks you have completed will be transferred over.

An array of creative themes

Integrated help area and step–by–step videos

Watch exactly how straightforward it indeed is to design a website

The albhosting’s website creation tool offers a very handy Help Center where you can find a variety of how–to articles and videos that are created after the most frequently asked questions by users.

They will guide you if you wish to find out how to add a new page, how to personalize the color configurations of your template, how to add a forum module or even how to change your whole website theme.

And last but not least, we provide at your disposal a support team that is at hand at any moment, all set to give an answer to any of your questions.

Video Tutorials